Tuesday, June 16, 2015

June 16 - The Nanny Diaries

Today’s movie is a dramedy with a scene that happens on June 16. Watch it and enjoy.


Annie Braddock graduates from college with a major in finance and a minor in anthropology. She can’t get a job, but after saving a young boy’s life in Central Park is hired as a nanny by the ultra rich Mrs. X. After some difficulties in settling in, she and the boy, Grayer become very close, since he is basically ignored by both his parents. Annie also begins dating a resident of the X’s building, a man she refers to as “Harvard Hottie”. Meanwhile, Annie has not told her working single parent Mom about her job. Annie learns Mr. X is having an affair. After she has to tell Mrs. X that Mr. X is not returning from Chicago for the wedding anniversary dinner that Mrs. X has been preparing for, Mrs. X leaves for a spa. When Grayer gets deathly ill, Annie has to call in her Mom, who is a nurse, to help and blows her cover story. Harvard Hottie invites her to move in with him, but Annie stays on the job out of sympathy for Grayer and Mrs. X. On June 16, 2007 Annie and the X family [1:19:40 to 1:20:42] arrive on Nantucket for the vacation Mrs. X hopes will save her marriage. However, Mr. X makes a pass at Annie and even Mrs. X pretending she is pregnant isn’t enough to save the marriage. Annie gets fired, but she records a rant on the nanny cam at the apartment while collecting her belongings. Watching this recording forces Mrs. X to take stock of her life. She leaves her husband and starts paying more attention to her son. Later Mrs. X writes a letter to Annie, both apologizing and thanking her. Annie and “Harvard Hottie” (Hayden) begin a serious relationship.
The Nanny Diaries by Emma McLaughlin and Nicola Kraus (St. Martin’s Press, New York, 2002) at pages 236 and 245 give the date they arrive on the island

Producer - Richard N. Gladstein

Directors - Shari Springer Berman and Robert Pulcini

Screenwriter - Shari Springer Berman and Robert Pulcini

Runtime – 1 hour 46 minutes

Released - August 24, 2007

Starring -       

Scarlett Johansson as Annie 'Nanny' Braddock
Chris Evans as Hayden "Harvard Hottie"
Laura Linney as Mrs. Alexandra X
Paul Giamatti as Mr. Stan X
Nicholas Art as Grayer Addison X
Donna Murphy as Judy Braddock
Alicia Keys as Lynette
Nina Garbiras as Miss Chicago
Brande Roderick as Tanya

Copyright by Ivan Walters in 2015, 

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