Monday, April 27, 2015

April 27 - 12:01

Today’s movie is a science fiction film with a scene that happens on April 27. Watch it tonight and enjoy.


The government has shut down the super-accelerator at the UTREL Corp. where they are trying to use it to accelerate particles to FTL speed. On April 27, 1993 Barry Thomas, who works in personnel there, finally meets Dr. Lisa Fredericks, who he’s had a crush on for six months, at lunch. He gets his courage up and goes to see her, but gets rebuffed. When leaving work Lisa gets shot and killed. Barry gets hit by lightning at 12:01 a.m. When he wakes up he gradually realizes that yesterday is repeating and he’s the only one who’s aware of it. He figures out that the ‘time bounce’, a possible effect of the super-accelerator that had been discussed had in fact occurred. He has lunch again with Lisa and discusses the time bounce with her, but she doesn’t believe him. He follows her back into the restricted area and gets fired for this. Lisa gets shot again and he gets arrested as an accessory, since he had called the police earlier and asked about her murder before it happened. The day repeats. He invites Lisa to lunch and afterwards hides in Lisa’s office and sees Denk; head of the technical side of things take documents from her office. He’s fired again for being in a restricted area. He overhears Denk warning Lisa to stay out of his business. Barry warns Lisa that Moxley, head of UNTREL is planning on firing off accelerator illegally. He saves Lisa from being shot after being chased by the bad guys. Barry and Lisa have a sexual encounter and she gives him personal details about herself.    When the day repeats he tells Lisa at the start and she believes him. She copies info on a disc, but Moxley finds out and Barry is arrested. Lisa bails him out. They are accosted by the killers, but escape to find Moxley at Barry’s house. Denk says he’s undercover for the Feds but Barry doesn’t believe him. Moxley convinces them that Denk is going to fire the accelerator since Denk’s name was the authorizing party in the computer. However, once Barry gives Denk’s gun to Moxley, he shoots all three of them. When the day repeats, Barry meets Denk early, as Barry realizes he really is undercover for the Feds. Moxley gets suspicious and has Denk killed, so Denk’s plan to stop the firing collapses. Lisa and Barry sneak into the lab and after a struggle with Moxley stop the firing and prevent the time bounce. [1:00 to 17:28 and 18:10 to 1:28:35] 
This is an exciting science fiction movie. Well thought out, but as usual it’s highly coincidental that the one person who’s aware of the bounce works where the cause is located! Still worth watching though.

Date given in film at 5:55 on Barry’s desk calendar

Director - Jack Sholder

Screenplay - Richard Lupoff, Jonathan Heap and Philip Morton

Runtime - 1 hour 32 minutes

Released - July 5, 1993

Starring -
Jonathan Silverman as Barry Thomas
Helen Slater as Lisa Fredricks
Nicolas Surovy as Robert Denk
Martin Landau as Dr. Moxley

Copyright by Ivan Walters in 2015


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