Sunday, April 26, 2015

April 26 - 2001: A Space Odyssey

Today’s film is a science fiction movie with a scene that happens today. Watch it tonight and enjoy.  


A tribe of early humans is driven from their waterhole by a different tribe. A mysterious black monolith appears and telepathically implants the idea of using items as tools in some of the tribe. With these tools, they reclaim the waterhole.  Many, many years later a spacecraft caries a single passenger, Dr. Heywood Floyd to an orbiting space station, where we are told that an epidemic has been reported at the United States’ Clavius Moonbase. Floyd travels on to the Moon, where we learn that the epidemic is just a cover story to hide the discovery of a 4 million year old monolith buried on the Moon. Floyd visits the monolith, where on April 26, 2001 as it is first bathed in sunlight after 4 million years, it transmits a signal towards Jupiter. [45:32 to 54:35] A spacecraft, the Discovery is built to travel to Jupiter to investigate. On board are Dave Bowman, Frank Poole and the sentient computer HAL 9000. After HAL incorrectly predicts the failure of a critical part and murders Poole, as well as three other passengers in suspended animation, Bowman is forced to disconnect HAL. Bowman learns that the true purpose of the mission was to investigate why the monolith sent a signal to Jupiter. When the craft reaches Jupiter, Bowman uses a space pod to investigate a larger monolith orbiting the planet. He is pulled through a wormhole to a holding area, where the aliens who brought him there transform him into a more advanced form of life. 

One of the classic science fiction movies. Full of provocative ideas and beautiful cinematography. Interesting in that the first 20 minutes and the last 20 minutes have no dialogue at all. and give how this date was computed

Producer - Stanley Kubrick                             

Director - Stanley Kubrick

Screenwriter - Stanley Kubrick and Arthur C. Clarke

Awards – The film won the Best Visual Effects Oscar. It was also nominated for Best Director, Best Original Screenplay and Best Art Direction at the 41st Academy Awards. 

Runtime – 2 hours 22 minutes                             

Released – April 2, 1968

Starring -

Keir Dullea as Dr. David Bowman
Gary Lockwood as Dr. Frank Poole
William Sylvester as Dr. Heywood R. Floyd
Douglas Rain as the voice of HAL 9000
Daniel Richter as the chief man-ape
Leonard Rossiter as Dr. Andrei Smyslov
Margaret Tyzack as Elena
Robert Beatty as Dr. Ralph Halvorsen

Copyright by Ivan Walters in 2015

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