Saturday, September 28, 2013

September 28 - Looker

This movie has a scene that happens today – September 28. I hope you will enjoy this film while watching it tonight.


A model, Lisa hires Dr. Roberts to make minor changes to her appearance. Then one evening she answers the doorbell and later takes a dive off of her balcony to her death.  A stranger in the apartment leaves after dropping a pen and a button. On September 28, 1984 [7:54 to 27:30] Dr. Roberts has a post operative consult with Cindy who has had surgery like Lisa. Lt. Masters talks to Dr. Roberts about two deaths, including Lisa.  He suggests their deaths might be murder, but leaves when their files can’t be found. Lt. Masters notes the pen is Dr. Roberts and his coat is missing a matching button to the one left in Lisa’s apartment. Tina, the fourth girl who had the surgery wants to be changed back, since she’s terrified she’s to be the next victim.  Dr. Roberts goes to Tina’s apartment, but is too late as she also takes a dive off her balcony. He takes Cindy to a party at millionaire John Reston’s house where he learns Digital Matrix, Inc., one of Reston’s companies was involved with the dead girls.  The next day after she tries unsuccessfully to match her movements to a computerized image in a commercial shoot, Dr. Roberts and Cindy go to Digital Matrix, Inc. where a 3D model is made of Cindy. The company tried to alter the models so they had perfect scores for visual impact. Dr. Roberts theft of an ID card is discovered. Dr. Roberts and Cindy return to the lab and sneak into the Looker lab. This is where DMI has developed a computerized hypnotic pulse that they can insert into commercials. The technology has also been used to develop a gun that hypnotizes its subjects. This is how the girls were killed. They are discovered and are lucky to escape with their lives. Reston’s hitmen follow the pair back to Dr. Roberts office where they manage to kidnap Cindy. The hitmen try to kill Dr. Roberts. He escapes but stupidly gets into a Reston Security car and is taken back to the lab. Dr. Roberts uses the Looker gun he has to escape. Disguised as a Reston guard he infiltrates a presentation about their 3D program. A gun battle ensues over the backdrops for the computer generated commercials during which Dr. Roberts kills the hitman. Lt. Masters, who had become suspicious of Reston arrives in time to stop him from killing Dr. Roberts. Dr. Roberts and Cindy begin a relationship.  

An interesting sci-fi film. It does have some plot holes. Still it is interesting enough to keep you wanting to keep watching. 

Day of week and date given on wall calendar in film at 9:30

Producer - Howard Jeffrey

Director - Michael Crichton

Screenplay - Michael Crichton

Runtime – 1 hour 34 minutes

Released - October 30, 1981

Starring –

Albert Finney as Dr. Larry Roberts
James Coburn as John Reston
Susan Dey as Cindy Fairmont
Dorian Harwood as Lt. Masters
Tim Rossovich as moustache man

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