Sunday, July 14, 2013

July 14 - Washington Square...

Here is a film with a scene that happens today – July 14. I hope you enjoy the movie and watch it tonight.  


When Catherine Sloper is born her mother dies and her father Dr. Austin Sloper blames his daughter for causing his wife’s death. Catherine grows up into a plain dull young woman, devoid of all social graces. Then at the engagement party for her cousin Maria Almond she meets Morris Townsend, an attractive, but penniless young man. Since Catherine has a large income from her mother’s estate and the prospect of more when her father dies, Dr. Sloper immediately presumes he is a fortune hunter and tries everything, even bribing Townsend’s sister to keep him away from Catherine. Catherine’s companion and chaperone, her Aunt Lavinia on the other hand does everything she can to encourage the match.  When Townsend proposes Dr. Sloper refuses his consent, telling Catherine he will disinherit her if she marries him. Catherine does not care, but cannot bring herself to disobey her father and elope. On July 14, 1880 [1:03:36 to 1:04:36] Catherine visits the Bastille Day celebrations to escape. Her father takes Catherine on a trip to Europe and while there speaks so contemptuously to her that Catherine finally realizes that her father despises her,  Upon her return to America, Catherine tells Morris her father will never relent, but that she is now ready to marry him even if she is disinherited. Morris abandons her and leaves for New Orleans. Years pass. Catherine cares for her father during his final illness, but refuses to promise him that  she will not marry Townsend after his death. He cuts her out of his will. After more years have passed Morris returns, but she sends him away.   

This is a tragedy. I think Dr. Sloper must win the ‘Worst Father in all of Cinema’ award. He is a real piece of work as we say. He holds his daughter in contempt and can’t believe anyone would want to marry her for any non-financial reason.

Bastille Day is on this date as per Encyclopedia of Holidays and Celebrations, Vol. I ed. by Matthew Dennis (FactsonFile Publishers, New York, 2000) at page 432

Producer – Roger Bimbaum and Julie Bergman Sender

Director - Agnieszka Holland

Screenplay – Carol Doyle

Runtime – 1 hour 55 minutes
Released - October 17, 1997

Starring –

Jennifer Jason Leigh as Catherine Sloper
Albert Finney as Dr. Austin Sloper
Ben Chaplin as Morris Townsend
Maggie Smith as Aunt Lavinia
Judith Ivey as Aunt Elizabeth Almond
Jennifer Garner as Marian Almond

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