Tuesday, June 11, 2013

June 11 - The Whole Wide World

Here is the movie with a scene that happens today - June 11. I hope you enjoy it and watch it tonight. 


In rural 1930's Texas, schoolteacher Novalyne Price is introduced to pulp writer Bob Howard. When he doesn’t return any of her calls, she goes to see him. They hit it off, as both are interested in writing, even though they have totally different writing styles.  He writes about a fantasy world, while she wants to write about ordinary people. They begin a relationship that seems to be developing. The first problem appears when Bob refuses to go to a Christmas party with Novalyne. He gives her a copy of the salicious works of Pierre Louys in order to shock her. Bob tells her of his plans to write a historical novel about Texas. Novalyne gets accepted into the Masters program at LSU and meets Truett Vinson. Bob happens to see Novalyne and Truett at the movies. Bob takes her for an early morning drive and they have a fight.  Bob accuses  her of hiding her friendship with Truett. Novalyne writes him a hate filled letter, but tears it up and sends him a more conciliatory one. Bob is very attached to his mother who suffers from a a debilitating disease throughout the film. Bob and Novalyne go out to dinner and Bob embarrasses her. She confronts him, asking why he came to see her, but he can’t answer. After a time he asks to go to the movies, but his mother has an episode and he’s delayed. They argue about him stopping writing to take care of his  mother and they part, but later make up. Novalyne goes to LSU but on June 11, 1936 gets a telegram telling her that Bob Howard committed suicide. [1:33:56 to 1:35:37] and Novalyne is heartbroken. She learns from his father that after Bob found out his mother was not going to recover from her illness he killed himself.    

A bittersweet love story. Novalyne and Bob were totally different, but they still loved each other. Unfortunately he was not able to overcome some inner demon that plagued him. 

At 1:35:34 the telegram gives the date.

Producer - Carl Colpaert, Dan Ireland, Vincent D'Onofrio and Kevin Reidy

Director - Dan Ireland

Screenplay - Novalyne Price Ellis and Michael Scott Myers

Runtime - 1 hour 46 minutes

Released - December 20, 1996

Starring -

Vincent D'Onofrio as Robert E. 'Bob' Howard
Renée Zellweger as Novalyne Price
Ann Wedgeworth as Mrs. Howard
Harve Presnell as Dr. Howard
Benjamin Mouton as Clyde Smith
Michael Corbett as Mayor Booth Adams
Helen Cates as Enid
Chris Shearer as Truett Vinson

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